Effectiveness of a single dose of Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine (not yet peerreviewed)


The Ministry of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, monitored the effectiveness of a first dose of the Sputnik V vaccine in people between ages 60 and 79, from 29 December 2020 to 21 March 2021. The main objective was to compare the proportion of confirmed infections, hospitalizations, and deaths from COVID-19 in 186,581 people, of whom 40,387 were vaccinated with one dose of Sputnik V, and 146,194 were unvaccinated, between 21 days and 40 days after vaccination or initiation of monitoring. People with a prior history of SARSCoV-2 infection were excluded. 

The results of this study indicate that, among people ages 60 to 79, a single dose of the Sputnik V vaccine was 78.6% effective in preventing cases of COVID-19, 84.7% effective in preventing deaths, and 87.6% effective in reducing hospitalizations. 

This study was sent to an international scientific journal for peer review and publication.

Source: https://www.gba.gob.ar/saludprovincia/noticias/sputnik_v_tiene_una_efectividad_con_una_sola_dosis_de_786_para_evitar_casos  


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