FDA updates emergency use authorization for Moderna COVID-19 vaccine with respect to the number of available doses per vial


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a review of the number of available doses per vial of the
Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. For 10-dose vials, the maximum number of doses authorized to be extracted from a vial
is 11, with a range of 10 to 11 doses, depending on the type of syringes and needles used to extract each dose. In
addition, the FDA authorized the use of an additional multidose vial, containing a maximum of 15 doses, with a
range between 13 and 15 potentially extractable doses.

It should be noted that Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine contains no preservatives. Any remaining product, from several
vials, that does not constitute a full dose should not be combined to create a full dose.

For more information, see the updated Moderna COVID-19 vaccine fact sheet, available at: https://www.fda.gov/media/144637/download.


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